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Training Wheels Off!

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What started merely as an idea in 2020 has grown into a resource for thousands of unique monthly visitors and a loyal community of subscribers. Now in its fourth year, it’s time to take the training wheels off of ESG Review.

Beginning with our Q1 2024 issue, ESG Review will no longer be distributed in conjunction with Gas Compression Magazine, but as its own independent publication.

From thousands of followers on Instagram, to a global distribution at trade shows, customer sites, and other events, ESG Review has become a widespread yet balanced resource to spark the collaboration and awareness needed for a sustainable future. 

Unlike other platforms that tout a specific technology or energy source, ESG Review is energy agnostic. Building a circular economy takes buy in from every sector and involvement from companies that have been around for generations and those that are just getting started. Inclusivity is the key to unlocking the treasure trove of resources available to support new ideas.

ESG Review is made up of two different but equally valuable formats.

The quarterly publication includes our best and most in-depth features, insightful columns, top news items, and laughter from our Lagniappe page.

Meanwhile, the weekly publication showcases three feature articles and five newswires, published every Wednesday around noon central standard time.

We started ESG Review as a quarterly magazine. However, the flurry of industry news cannot be contained under that time restriction. To serve the community, we invest time and resources to ensure that we are giving our readers both the quantity and quality of content they are looking for.

To receive the ESG Review quarterly issue, please take a moment to make sure you are subscribed to ESG Review. Subscribing is free. It’s also the easiest and simplest way you can support our weekly and quarterly publications. You can also subscribe to join our weekly newsletter.

As a reminder, if you are subscribed to Gas Compression Magazine, you are not automatically subscribed to ESG Review. To receive ESG Review going forward, you must subscribe specifically to ESG Review. If you receive the weekly newsletter, that doesn’t mean you are subscribed to the quarterly publication. To check all the boxes, simply follow this link.

Thank you for being a part of the ESG Review community. We look forward to growing this resource for years to come.

-Daniel Foelber, Editor-In-Chief of ESG Review

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