Galileo Technology For Wisconsin Biomethane Production

Galileo Technologies (Galileo) will supply a Microbox-Bio unit to Liberty RNG, bringing its biomethane production units in Wisconsin to three. The company currently uses two Microbox-Bio units that upgrade and compress biogas obtained from manure from two separate dairy farms. The first Microbox-Bio unit was installed in November 2021 on a farm that houses approximately 1200 dairy cows. The second processes waste from a herd of approximately 2500 head of cattle.
Each Microbox-Bio unit is equipped with two NX45 Compressors and is designed to process 300 scfm (8.5 m3/minute) of raw biogas. According to Galileo, they can operate at reduced flow rates as low as 30% of the nameplate capacity. Both produce pipeline quality gas (99% methane). The methane losses in both are between 200 and 600 ppm, with the system recovering more than 99% of methane in the biogas. Its plug-and-play configuration features all the elements required, including a blower for a direct connection to the biodigesters.
Liberty RNG, a wholly owned subsidiary of Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp., works with dairy farms to ensure that project development and operation can be integrated into existing farming operations with minimal impact on the environment.